An object can implement this interface to allow a client to iterate over a set of strings provided by the object.
Inherits from: nsISupports Last changed in Gecko 1.7

Method overview

AUTF8String getNext();
boolean hasMore();



Returns the next string in the enumerator. The "next" element is the first string upon the first call. Must be preceded by a call to hasMore(), which returns PR_TRUE. This method is generally called within a loop to iterate over the strings in the enumerator.

AUTF8String getNext();


Return value

The next string in the enumerator. Throws an exception if there are no more strings.


Reports whether or not the enumerator has any strings that can be returned via getNext(). This method is generally used to determine whether or not to initiate or continue iteration over the enumerator, athough it can be called without subsequent getNext() calls.

Calling this method doesn't affect the internal state of the enumerator.

boolean hasMore();


Return value

true if there are remaining strings in the enumerator, otherwise false.