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Inherits from: nsISupports Last changed in Gecko 1.7

Method overview

nsITransactionList getChildListForItem(in long aIndex);
nsITransaction getItem(in long aIndex);
long getNumChildrenForItem(in long aIndex);
boolean itemIsBatch(in long aIndex);


Attribute Type Description
numItems long The number of transactions contained in this list. Read only.



Returns the list of children associated with the item at aIndex. Implementations may return null if there are no children, or an empty list. The list returned is AddRef'd so it is up to the caller to Release the transaction when it is done.

nsITransactionList getChildListForItem(
  in long aIndex
The index of the item in the list.
Return value

The nsITransactionList of children associated with the item at aIndex.


Returns the transaction at the given index in the list. Note that a null can be returned here if the item is a batch. The transaction returned is AddRef'd so it is up to the caller to Release the transaction when it is done.

nsITransaction getItem(
  in long aIndex
The index of the item in the list.
Return value

Missing Description


Returns the number of child (auto-aggreated) transactions the item at aIndex has.

long getNumChildrenForItem(
  in long aIndex
The index of the item in the list.
Return value

The number of child (auto-aggreated) transactions the item at aIndex has.


Returns true if the item at aIndex is a batch. Note that currently there is no requirement for a TransactionManager implementation to associate a toplevel nsITransaction with a batch so it is possible for itemIsBatch to return true and getItem() to return null. However, you can still access the transactions contained in the batch with a call to getChildListForItem().

boolean itemIsBatch(
  in long aIndex
The index of the item in the list.
Return value

true if the item at aIndex is a batch.

See also