Please add a summary to this article.
Inherits from: jsdIEphemeral Last changed in Gecko 2.0 (Firefox 4 / Thunderbird 3.3 / SeaMonkey 2.1)

Strict mode is on. Warnings reported as errors. Makes eval() use the last object on its 'obj' param's scope chain as the ECMA 'variables object'. Private data for this object is an nsISupports object. Attempting to alter this bit will result in an NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE. OPT_* values above, OR'd together. Last version set on this context. Scripts typically select this with the "language" attribute. See the VERSION_* consts on jsdIDebuggerService. Unique tag among all valid jsdIContext objects, useful as a hash key. Private data for this context, if it is an nsISupports, |null| otherwise. Retrieve the underlying context wrapped by this jsdIContext. Top of the scope chain for this context. |true| if this context should be allowed to run scripts, |false| otherwise. This attribute is only valid for contexts which implement nsIScriptContext. Setting or getting this attribute on any other context will throw a NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE exception. Stack frame objects. These are only valid inside the jsdIExecutionHook which gave it to you. After you return from that handler the bottom frame, and any frame you found attached through it, are invalidated via the jsdIEphemeral interface. Once a jsdIStackFrame has been invalidated all method and property accesses will throw a NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE exception.

Method overview

boolean eval(in AString bytes, in AUTF8String fileName, in unsigned long line, out jsdIValue result);


Attribute Type Description
callee jsdIValue Function object running in this stack frame. Read only.
callingFrame jsdIStackFrame Link to the caller's stack frame. Read only.
executionContext jsdIContext Executon context. Read only.
functionName AUTF8String Function name executing in this stack frame. Read only.
isConstructing boolean True if stack frame is constructing a new object. Read only.
isDebugger boolean True if stack frame represents a frame created as a result of a debugger evaluation. Read only.
isNative boolean True if stack frame represents a native frame. Read only. Obsolete since Gecko 2.0
JSDContext JSDContext Internal use only. Read only. Native code only!
JSDStackFrameInfo JSDStackFrameInfo Internal use only. Read only. Native code only!
JSDThreadState JSDThreadState Internal use only. Read only. Native code only!
line unsigned long Current line number (using the script's pc to line map.) Read only.
pc unsigned long Current program counter in this stack frame. Read only.
scope jsdIValue Top object in the scope chain. Read only.
script jsdIScript Script running in this stack frame, null for native frames. Read only.
thisValue jsdIValue |this| object for this stack frame. Read only.



Evaluate arbitrary JavaScript in this stack frame.

boolean eval(
  in AString bytes,
  in AUTF8String fileName,
  in unsigned long line,
  out jsdIValue result
Script to be evaluated.
Filename to compile this script under. This is the filename you'll see in error messages, and so on.
Return value