Converts the prefix of a decimal string to the nearest double-precision floating point number.


#include <prdtoa.h>

PRFloat64 PR_strtod(const char *s00, char **se);


The function has these parameters:

The input string to be scanned.
A pointer that, if not NULL, will be assigned the address of the last character scanned in the input string.


The result of the conversion is a PRFloat64 value equivalent to the input string. If the parameter se is not NULL the location it references is also set.


PR_strtod converts the prefix of the input decimal string pointed to by s00 to a nearest double-precision floating point number. Ties are broken by the IEEE round-even rule. The string is scanned up to the first unrecognized character. If the value of se is not (char **) NULL, PR_strtod stores a pointer to the character terminating the scan in *se. If the answer would overflow, a properly signed HUGE_VAL (infinity) is returned. If the answer would underflow, a properly signed 0 is returned. In both cases, PR_GetError() returns the error code PR_RANGE_ERROR. If no number can be formed, se is set to s00, and 0 is returned.