A clock/calendar representation of times.


 #include <prtime.h>

 typedef struct PRExplodedTime {
     PRInt32 tm_usec;
     PRInt32 tm_sec;
     PRInt32 tm_min;
     PRInt32 tm_hour;
     PRInt32 tm_mday;
     PRInt32 tm_month;
     PRInt16 tm_year;
     PRInt8 tm_wday;
     PRInt16 tm_yday;
     PRTimeParameters tm_params;
 } PRExplodedTime;


The PRExplodedTime structure represents clock/calendar time. PRExplodedTime has the familiar time components: year, month, day of month, hour, minute, second. It also has a microsecond component, as well as the day of week and the day of year. In addition, PRExplodedTime includes a PRTimeParameters structure representing the local time zone information, so that the time point is non-ambiguously specified.

The essential members of PRExplodedTime are:

The nonessential members of PRExplodedTime are:

On input to NSPR functions, only the essential members of PRExplodedTime must be specified. The two nonessential members (day of week and day of year) are ignored by NSPR functions as input. When an NSPR function returns a PRExplodedTime object or sets a PRExplodedTime object as output, all of the PRExplodedTime members are set, including the nonessential members. You can also use PR_NormalizeTime() to calculate the values of the nonessential members.