TYPE_ID | 1 | Corresponding to nsISupportsID . |
TYPE_CSTRING | 2 | Corresponding to nsISupportsCString . |
TYPE_STRING | 3 | Corresponding to nsISupportsString . |
TYPE_PRBOOL | 4 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRBool . |
TYPE_PRUINT8 | 5 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRUint8 . |
TYPE_PRUINT16 | 6 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRUint16 . |
TYPE_PRUINT32 | 7 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRUint32 . |
TYPE_PRUINT64 | 8 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRUint64 . |
TYPE_PRTIME | 9 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRTime . |
TYPE_CHAR | 10 | Corresponding to nsISupportsChar . |
TYPE_PRINT16 | 11 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRInt16 . |
TYPE_PRINT32 | 12 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRInt32 . |
TYPE_PRINT64 | 13 | Corresponding to nsISupportsPRInt64 . |
TYPE_FLOAT | 14 | Corresponding to nsISupportsFloat . |
TYPE_DOUBLE | 15 | Corresponding to nsISupportsDouble . |
TYPE_VOID | 16 | Corresponding to nsISupportsVoid . |
TYPE_INTERFACE_POINTER | 17 | Corresponding to nsISupportsInterfacePointer . |