Last changed in Gecko 1.9 (Firefox 3)The service can fill result nodes directly into the container when it is opened. It can use the property bag on every result node to store data associated with each item, such as a full path on disk. It can also create additional containers for each container, registered to its service.
void onContainerMoved(in long long aItemId, in long long aNewParent, in long aNewIndex); |
void onContainerNodeClosed(in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aContainer); |
void onContainerNodeOpening(in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aContainer, in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions aOptions); |
void onContainerRemoving(in long long aItemId); |
This method is called when the given container has just been moved, in case the service needs to do any bookkeeping. It is called after the container has been moved.
void onContainerMoved( in long long aItemId, in long long aNewParent, in long aNewIndex );
to append to the end of the list.This method is called when the given container has just been collapsed so that the service can do any necessary cleanup. This is not guaranteed to get called. In particular, if the query just goes away, you will not get this call. This only happens when the container itself goes from the open state to the closed state. A service with large numbers of dynamically populated items might use this to do some cleanup so those items don't hang around.
void onContainerNodeClosed( in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aContainer );
This method is called when the given container node is about to be populated so that the service can populate the container if necessary.
void onContainerNodeOpening( in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aContainer, in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions aOptions );
This method is called when the given container is about to be deleted from the bookmarks table, so that the service can do any necessary cleanup. It is called before the container is deleted, so that the service can still reference it.
void onContainerRemoving( in long long aItemId );