The console service is the back-end for the Error Console, bundled with every Mozilla application, and for Firefox's Web Console and Browser Console. It is used to log various messages, warnings, and errors and to obtain the logged messages.
Inherits from: nsISupports Last changed in Gecko 19 (Firefox 19 / Thunderbird 19 / SeaMonkey 2.16)

Implemented by: @mozilla.org/consoleservice;1 as a service:

var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]

Method overview

void getMessageArray([array, size_is(count)] out nsIConsoleMessage messages, out uint32_t count);Obsolete since Gecko 19
void getMessageArray([optional] out uint32_t count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsIConsoleMessage messages);
void logMessage(in nsIConsoleMessage message);
void logStringMessage(in wstring message);
void registerListener(in nsIConsoleListener listener);
void reset();
void unregisterListener(in nsIConsoleListener listener);



To obtain an array of all logged messages.

Obsolete since Gecko 19 (Firefox 19 / Thunderbird 19 / SeaMonkey 2.16)
This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.

void getMessageArray(
  [array, size_is(count)] out nsIConsoleMessage messages,
  out PRUint32 count
An array of logged messages.
The number of messages in the array. If no messages are logged, this function will return a count of 0, but allocating a placeholder word for messages, showing as a 0-length array when called from the script.

void getMessageArray(
  [optional] out PRUint32 count,
  [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsIConsoleMessage messages
The number of messages in the array. If no messages are logged, this function will return a count of 0, but allocating a placeholder word for messages, showing as a 0-length array when called from the script.

Note: See the code samples below for how to call getMessageArray.


void logMessage(
  in nsIConsoleMessage message
The nsIConsoleMessage to log.


A convenient method for logging simple messages.

void logStringMessage(
  in wstring message
The string to log.


Registers a listener, to notify when an error is logged.

Note: To guard against stack overflows from listeners which could log messages (this could be done inadvertently through listeners implemented in JavaScript), we do not call any listeners when another error is already being logged.

void registerListener(
  in nsIConsoleListener listener
The nsIConsoleListener to add.


To clear the message buffer (For example, for privacy reasons):

void reset();


Note: Console listeners expect you to log an empty string message before calling reset, so they too can clear their message buffers. (This also works before Gecko 19.)


Deregisters a listener.

void unregisterListener(
  in nsIConsoleListener listener
The nsIConsoleListener to remove.


Retrieving the message array

To retrieve the message array in Gecko prior to version 19:

function getConsoleMessageArray() {
  var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
  var array = {};
  consoleService.getMessageArray(array, {});
  return array.value;

To retrieve the message array in Gecko 19 or later:

function getConsoleMessageArray() {
  var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
  return consoleService.getMessageArray();

To retrieve the message array in a compatible way:

function getConsoleMessageArray() {
  var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
  var array = {};
  return consoleService.getMessageArray(array, {}) || array.value;

Logging a simple message

A common usage is logging a message string to the console:

function LOG(msg) {
  var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]

Alternative logging methods include Components.utils.reportError and dump().

Logging a message with additional information

To include other information an nsIConsoleMessage object must be used. In this example nsIScriptError, which implements nsIConsoleMessage, is used to include information about the source file and line number of the error.

function myLogToConsole(aMessage, aSourceName, aSourceLine, aLineNumber,
                        aColumnNumber, aFlags, aCategory)
  var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
  var scriptError = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"]
  scriptError.init(aMessage, aSourceName, aSourceLine, aLineNumber,
                   aColumnNumber, aFlags, aCategory);

See also