This interface represents an executable process. This expands upon the nsIProcess interface.
Gecko 1.9.1
Gecko 1.9.2
Inherits from: nsIProcess Last changed in Gecko 1.9.1 (Firefox 3.5 / Thunderbird 3.0 / SeaMonkey 2.0)

Gecko 1.9.2 note
This interface was removed in Gecko 1.9.2 and its method added to nsIProcess.

Implemented by: @mozilla.org/process/util;1. To create an instance, use:

var process2 = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/process/util;1"]

Method overview

void runAsync([array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count, [optional] in nsIObserver observer, [optional] in boolean holdWeak);



Asynchronously runs the process with which the object was initialized, optionally calling an observer when the process finishes running.

void runAsync(
  [array, size_is(count)] in string args,
  in unsigned long count,
  in nsIObserver observer, Optional
  in boolean holdWeak Optional
An array of arguments to pass into the process, using the native character set. This array must have count entries.
The number of arguments passed in the args array.
observer Optional
An observer that will be notified when the process exits. The observer will receive this nsIProcess2 instance as the subject and "process-finished" or "process-failed" as the topic. The observer will be notified on the main thread.
holdWeak Optional
If true, a weak reference is used to hold the observer.


See also