The timepicker is used to allow the user to enter a time. It contains three fields to enter the hour, minute and second. Arrow buttons next to the fields allow the values to be adjusted with the mouse. A fourth textbox appears for 12 hour clocks which allows selection of AM or PM.
To specify the initial, use the value attribute set to a value of either the form HH:MM:SS or HH:MM. The value may be retrieved and changed using the value property or the dateValue property. The former specifies the time as a string of the form HH:MM:SS whereas the latter specifies the time as a Date object. In addition, the hour, minute and second properties may be used to retrieve and modify each component of the time separately.
The change event is fired whenever the time is changed. However, as described in Mozilla bug #799219, a change event handler may encounter erratic behavior when the time is changed using the keyboard instead of the mouse. To avoid this, you can use the workaround described here, i.e., use window.setTimeout(actual-event-handler-function, 0);
to queue up your event handler to run after the rest of the picker's change event handlers.
- Attributes
- disabled, hideseconds, increment, readonly, tabindex, value
amIndicator, dateValue, disabled, hideSeconds, hour, hourLeadingZero, increment, is24HourClock, isPM, minute, minuteLeadingZero, pmIndicator, readOnly, second, secondLeadingZero, tabIndex, value
<timepicker value="12:05"/>

- Type: boolean
- Indicates whether the element is disabled or not. If this attribute is set, the element is disabled. Disabled elements are usually drawn with grayed-out text. If the element is disabled, it does not respond to user actions, it cannot be focused, and the
event will not fire. In the case of form elements, it will not be submitted. Do not set the attribute to true
, as this will suggest you can set it to false
to enable the element again, which is not the case.
The disabled
attribute is allowed only for form controls. Using it with an anchor tag (an <a>
link) will have no effect.
The element will, however, still respond to mouse events. To enable the element, leave this attribute out entirely.
- Visible controls have a
property which, except for menus and menuitems, is normally preferred to use of the attribute, as it may need to update additional state.
Type: boolean
Indicates whether to show the seconds field.
- Type: boolean
- If set to
, then the user cannot change the value of the element. However, the value may still be modified by a script.
Type: integer
Indicates the number of minutes to skip each time the arrows are pressed. This should be used in combination with setting
to true
- Type: integer
- The tab order of the element. The tab order is the order in which the focus is moved when the user presses the "
" key. Elements with a higher tabindex
are later in the tab sequence.
Type: string
The initial value of the timepicker in either the form HH:MM:SS or HH:MM.
Type: string
The string value displayed for hours between midnight and noon, defaulting to AM. This value is determined from the user's locale.
Type: Date
The date that is currently entered or selected in the datepicker as a Date object.
Type: boolean
Indicates whether the seconds field is visible or not.
Type: integer
The currently selected hour from 0 to 23. Set this property to change the selected hour.
Type: boolean
A read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the hour when it is less than 10.
Type: boolean
A read only value indicating whether a 12-hour or 24-hour clock is used to display times. With a 12-hour clock, an extra field allows the user to pick between AM and PM. This value is determined from the user's locale.
Type: boolean
If false, the hour is between 0 and 11, and if true, the hour is 12 or greater.
Type: integer
The currently selected minute from 0 to 59. Set this property to change the selected minute.
Type: boolean
A read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the minute when it is less than 10.
Type: string
The string value displayed for hours between noon and midnight, defaulting to PM. This value is determined from the user's locale.
Type: boolean
If set to
, then the user cannot modify the value of the element.
Type: integer
The currently selected second from 0 to 59. Set this property to change the selected second.
Type: boolean
A read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the second when it is less than 10.
Type: string
The currently entered time of the form HH:MM:SS. Set this property to change the time.
Inherited Methods addEventListener() , appendChild() , blur , click , cloneNode() , compareDocumentPosition, dispatchEvent() , doCommand , focus , getAttribute() , getAttributeNode() , getAttributeNodeNS() , getAttributeNS() , getBoundingClientRect() , getClientRects() , getElementsByAttribute , getElementsByAttributeNS , getElementsByClassName() , getElementsByTagName() , getElementsByTagNameNS() , getFeature, getUserData, hasAttribute() , hasAttributeNS() , hasAttributes() , hasChildNodes() , insertBefore() , isDefaultNamespace() , isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported() , lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize() , querySelector() , querySelectorAll() , removeAttribute() , removeAttributeNode() , removeAttributeNS() , removeChild() , removeEventListener() , replaceChild() , setAttribute() , setAttributeNode() , setAttributeNodeNS() , setAttributeNS() , setUserData |
- Interfaces