A scale (sometimes referred to as a "slider") allows the user to select a value from a range. A bar displayed either horizontally or vertically allows the user to select a value by dragging a thumb on the bar.
Use the orient
attribute to specify the orientation of the scale. The default value is horizontal
which displays a horizontal scale. Lower values are to the left and higher values are to the right. Set the orient
attribute to vertical
to use a vertical scale.
The user may use the arrow keys to increment and decrement the value by one unit, or the page up
and page down
keys to increment and decrement the value by one page, as specified by the pageincrement
attribute. The home
and end
keys set the scale's value to the minimum and maximum values, respectively. A scale will fire a change
event whenever the scale's value is modified.
- Attributes
- dir, disabled, increment, max, min, movetoclick, pageincrement, tabindex, value
- Properties
- disabled, max, min, increment, pageIncrement, tabIndex, value,
- Methods
- decrease, decreasePage, increase, increasePage,
Horizontal Scale:
<scale min="1" max="10"/>

Vertical Scale:
<scale min="1" max="10" orient="vertical"/>
- Type: one of the values below
- The direction in which the child elements of the element are placed.
- For scales, the scale's values are ordered from left to right (for horizontal scales) or from top to bottom (for vertical scales) For other elements, the elements are placed left to right or top to bottom in the order they appear in the XUL code.
- For scales, the scale's values are ordered from right to left (for horizontal scales) or from bottom to top (for vertical scales). For other elements, they are placed right to left or bottom to top. This is reverse of the order in which they appear in the XUL code.
- Type: boolean
- Indicates whether the element is disabled or not. If this attribute is set, the element is disabled. Disabled elements are usually drawn with grayed-out text. If the element is disabled, it does not respond to user actions, it cannot be focused, and the
event will not fire. In the case of form elements, it will not be submitted. Do not set the attribute to true
, as this will suggest you can set it to false
to enable the element again, which is not the case.
The disabled
attribute is allowed only for form controls. Using it with an anchor tag (an <a>
link) will have no effect.
The element will, however, still respond to mouse events. To enable the element, leave this attribute out entirely.
- Visible controls have a
property which, except for menus and menuitems, is normally preferred to use of the attribute, as it may need to update additional state.
Type: integer
The amount by which the
(for scroll bars) or value
(for number boxes and scale) attribute changes when the arrows are clicked(or scales are dragged). The default value is 1.
Type: integer
The minimum value the control's value may take. The default value is 0.
Type: integer
The maximum value that the scale or number box may be set to. The default value is 100 for scales and Infinity for number boxes.
- Type: boolean
- If true, clicking the slide area of the scale moves the thumb directly to that position. If false, clicking the slide area moves the thumb only one increment in that direction. If not specified, the default value is used, which varies for each platform.
- Type: integer
- The amount by which the value of the
or value
attribute changes when the tray of the scroll bar (the area in which the scroll bar thumb moves) is clicked, or when the page up or page down keys are pressed. The default value is 10.
- Type: integer
- The tab order of the element. The tab order is the order in which the focus is moved when the user presses the "
" key. Elements with a higher tabindex
are later in the tab sequence.
- Type: string
- The string attribute allows you to associate a data value with an element. It is not used for any specific purpose, but you can access it with a script for your own use. Be aware, however, that some elements, such as textbox will display the value visually, so in order to merely associate data with an element, you could 1) Use another attribute like "value2" or "data-myAtt" (as in the HTML5 draft), as XUL does not require validation (less future-proof); 2) Use setAttributeNS() to put custom attributes in a non-XUL namespace (serializable and future-proof); 3) Use setUserData() (future-proof and clean, but not easily serializable). For user editable
elements, the contents, as visible to the user, are read and set using the Menulist.value syntax. For those elements, setAttribute("value", myValue) and getAttribute("value") do not access or affect the contents displayed to the user.
Type: integer
Gets and sets the value of the
Type: integer
Gets and sets the value of the
Type: integer
Gets and sets the value of the
Type: string
Gets and sets the value of the
attribute. For textbox
and user editable menulist
elements, the contents, as visible to the user, are read and set using the Textbox.value
and Menulist.value syntax.
Inherited Methods addEventListener() , appendChild() , blur , click , cloneNode() , compareDocumentPosition, dispatchEvent() , doCommand , focus , getAttribute() , getAttributeNode() , getAttributeNodeNS() , getAttributeNS() , getBoundingClientRect() , getClientRects() , getElementsByAttribute , getElementsByAttributeNS , getElementsByClassName() , getElementsByTagName() , getElementsByTagNameNS() , getFeature, getUserData, hasAttribute() , hasAttributeNS() , hasAttributes() , hasChildNodes() , insertBefore() , isDefaultNamespace() , isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported() , lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize() , querySelector() , querySelectorAll() , removeAttribute() , removeAttributeNode() , removeAttributeNS() , removeChild() , removeEventListener() , replaceChild() , setAttribute() , setAttributeNode() , setAttributeNodeNS() , setAttributeNS() , setUserData |
Return type: no return value
Decreases the value of the scale or number box by the
Return type: no return value
Decreases the value of the scale by the
Return type: no return value
Increases the value of the scale or number box by the
Return type: no return value
Increases the value of the scale by the page increment.
- Interfaces