No public members.
void nsCString_external()
- sourcevoid nsCString_external(const nsCString_external&)
- sourcevoid nsCString_external(const nsACString&)
- sourcevoid nsCString_external(const char*, PRUint32)
- sourcechar* get() const
- sourcensCString_external& operator=(const nsCString_external&)
- sourcensACString& operator=(const nsACString&)
- sourcensACString& operator=(const char*)
- sourcensACString& operator=(char)
- sourcevoid Adopt(const char*, PRUint32)
- sourcechar* EndReading() const
- sourcechar CharAt(PRUint32) const
- sourcechar operator[](PRUint32) const
- sourcechar First() const
- sourcePRUint32 BeginWriting(char**, char**, PRUint32)
- sourceGet the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation. @param newSize Size the string to this length. Pass PR_UINT32_MAX to leave the length unchanged. @return The new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
char* BeginWriting(PRUint32)
- sourcechar* EndWriting()
- sourcePRBool SetLength(PRUint32)
- sourcePRUint32 Length() const
- sourcePRBool IsEmpty() const
- sourcevoid SetIsVoid(PRBool)
- sourcePRBool IsVoid() const
- sourcevoid AssignLiteral(const char*)
- sourcevoid Replace(PRUint32, PRUint32, const char*, PRUint32)
- sourcevoid Replace(PRUint32, PRUint32, char)
- sourcevoid Replace(PRUint32, PRUint32, const nsACString&)
- sourcevoid AppendLiteral(const char*)
- sourcevoid Cut(PRUint32, PRUint32)
- sourcevoid Truncate()
- sourcevoid StripChars(const char*)
- sourceRemove all occurrences of characters in aSet from the string.
void StripWhitespace()
- sourceStrip whitespace characters from the string.
void Trim(const char*, PRBool, PRBool)
- sourcePRInt32 DefaultComparator(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)
- sourcePRInt32 Compare(const char*, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourcePRInt32 Compare(const nsACString&, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourcePRBool Equals(const char*, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourcePRBool Equals(const nsACString&, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourcePRBool EqualsLiteral(const char*) const
- sourcePRInt32 Find(const nsACString&, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the first occurrence of aStr in this string. @return the offset of aStr, or -1 if not found
PRInt32 Find(const nsACString&, PRUint32, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the first occurrence of aStr in this string, beginning at aOffset. @return the offset of aStr, or -1 if not found
PRInt32 Find(const char*, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the first occurrence of aStr in this string. @return the offset of aStr, or -1 if not found
PRInt32 Find(const char*, PRUint32, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourcePRInt32 RFind(const nsACString&, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the last occurrence of aStr in this string. @return The offset of the character from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found.
PRInt32 RFind(const nsACString&, PRInt32, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the last occurrence of aStr in this string, beginning at aOffset. @param aOffset the offset from the beginning of the string to begin searching. If aOffset < 0, search from end of this string. @return The offset of aStr from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found.
PRInt32 RFind(const char*, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the last occurrence of aStr in this string. @return The offset of aStr from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found.
PRInt32 RFind(const char*, PRInt32, PRInt32 (*)(const char*, const char*, PRUint32)) const
- sourceFind the last occurrence of an ASCII string in this string, beginning at aOffset. @param aLen is the length of aStr @return The offset of aStr from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found.
PRInt32 FindChar(char, PRUint32) const
- sourceSearch for the offset of the first occurrence of a character in a string. @param aOffset the offset from the beginning of the string to begin searching @return The offset of the character from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found.
PRInt32 RFindChar(char) const
- sourceSearch for the offset of the last occurrence of a character in a string. @return The offset of the character from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found.
void AppendInt(int, PRInt32)
- sourceAppend a string representation of a number.
PRInt32 ToInteger(nsresult*, PRUint32) const
- sourceConvert this string to an integer. @param aErrorCode pointer to contain result code. @param aRadix must be 10 or 16