This page needs a technical review from the Mozilla QA Team in Q4 2014. (Assigned to Liz Henry.) This article has been created from A Bug’s Life on QMO.


Bug States

  1. Unconfirmed
  2. New
  3. Assigned
  4. Resolved
  5. Reopened
  6. Verified

Hi, and welcome to QA at Mozilla! The reason you're probably here is to find out what we do here and how we do it. Well, if you're interested in what goes on in Mozilla's bug tracking tool, Bugzilla , then you've come to the right document. This tutorial will give an overview of what happens in the states that a filed bug, on Firefox's main development trunk, will go through, as well as how it will go from one state to the next within its life. There's a nice image that graphically shows what happens, but we feel that its a bit too much to comprehend in the first go-around.

For each state a bug can be in, we'll look at: How did the bug get here? What happens in this state? What are the possible states it can go to from here?



-How did it get here?

-What are the possible states it can go to from here?

2. NEW

-How did it get here?

-What happens in this state?

-What are the possible states it can go to from here?


-How did it get here?

-What happens in this state?

-What are the possible states it can go to from here?


-How did it get here?

-What happens in this state?

-What are the possible states it can go to from here?

-What are the possible resolutions it can be assigned to here?


-How did it get here?

-What happens in this state?

-What are the possible states it can go to from here?


-How did it get here?

Hopefully, this walk through has provided you with a good idea of what goes on from state to state with a filed bug (on the main trunk) on Bugzilla. If you feel like there's a question, comment or even a suggestion that you'd like to bring up, please mention it in irc, on #qa on

Want to Know More?

Ready to start filing bug reports? Find out how to write a good bug report.

Original document information