The public functions listed here are used to configure sockets for communication via the SSL and TLS protocols. In addition to the functions listed here, applications that support SSL use some of the Certificate functions, Crypto functions, and Utility functions described below on this page.

Other sources of information:

If documentation is available for a function listed below, the function name is linked to either its MDC wiki page or its entry in the old SSL Reference. The Mozilla Cross Reference (DXR) link for each function provides access to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.

Function name/documentation Source code NSS versions
NSS_GetClientAuthData MXR 3.2 and later
NSS_SetDomesticPolicy MXR 3.2 and later
NSS_SetExportPolicy MXR 3.2 and later
NSS_SetFrancePolicy MXR 3.2 and later
NSSSSL_VersionCheck MXR 3.2.1 and later
SSL_AuthCertificate MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_AuthCertificateHook MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_BadCertHook MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_CertDBHandleSet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_Canbypass MXR 3.11.7 and later
SSL_CipherPolicyGet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_CipherPolicySet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_CipherPrefGet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_CipherPrefGetDefault MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_CipherPrefSet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ClearSessionCache MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ConfigMPServerSIDCache MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ConfigSecureServer MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_DataPending MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ForceHandshake MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ForceHandshakeWithTimeout MXR 3.11.4 and later
SSL_GetChannelInfo MXR 3.4 and later
SSL_GetCipherSuiteInfo MXR 3.4 and later
SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_GetMaxServerCacheLocks MXR 3.4 and later
SSL_GetSessionID MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_GetStatistics MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_HandshakeCallback MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ImportFD MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_InheritMPServerSIDCache MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_InvalidateSession MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_LocalCertificate MXR 3.4 and later
SSL_OptionGet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_OptionGetDefault MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_OptionSet MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_OptionSetDefault MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_PeerCertificate MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_PreencryptedFileToStream MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_PreencryptedStreamToFile MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ReHandshake MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ReHandshakeWithTimeout MXR 3.11.4 and later
SSL_ResetHandshake MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterCertReq MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterServerCert MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_RevealCert MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_RevealPinArg MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_RevealURL MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_SecurityStatus MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_SetMaxServerCacheLocks MXR 3.4 and later
SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_SetSockPeerID MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_SetURL MXR 3.2 and later
SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache MXR 3.7.4 and later