This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

The non-standard isGenerator() method used to determine whether or not a function is a generator. It has been removed from Firefox starting with version 58.



Return value

A Boolean indicating whether or not the given function is a generator.


The isGenerator() method determines whether or not the function fun is a generator. It was part of an early Harmony proposal, but has not been included in the ECMAScript 2015 specification.


function f() {}

function* g() {
  yield 42;

console.log('f.isGenerator() = ' + f.isGenerator()); // f.isGenerator() = false
console.log('g.isGenerator() = ' + g.isGenerator()); // g.isGenerator() = true


Not part of any standard.

Browser compatibility

Not supported anywhere. Historically supported in Firefox 5 till 58.

See also