Warning: The content of this article may be out of date. It was last updated in 2001.
As a cross platform product, releases of Mozilla on CD should also work on any platform. The CD should support HFS (Macintosh), Joliet (Win32), and Rock Ridge (Unix). Many Mozilla files have long file names which makes creating the CD on a Macintosh difficult because the HFS filesystem limits the length of file names to 32 characters.
The utility mkhybrid lets you create hybrid CDs that work with all three filesystems. Mkhybrid was written by James Pearson and is is a component of the latest versions of cdrecord. I used version 1.8.1a03 although you'll probably want to get a newer one.
Here's what I did to create the CD for the second anniversary party.
mkhybrid -o ~/party.iso -r -J -hfs -V mozilla.party -map ~/HFSmapping ~/party/ cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,6,0 ~/party.iso
Its also handy to be able to mount an image file to test it.
mount ~/party.iso /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop=/dev/loop3,blocksize=1024 umount /mnt/cdrom
Here is the HFS mapping that I used. The Creator "MOSS" is for Netscape 4.x and "MOZZ" is used for Mozilla. It is used as the creator type for README and other text files because it can handle Unix and Windows linebreaks, but teachtext cannot.
# Example filename mapping file used by mkhybrid for hfs # # EXTN XLate CREATOR TYPE Comment .hqx Ascii 'SITx' 'TEXT' "BinHex file" .zip Raw 'SITx' 'ZIP ' "Zip file" .gz Raw 'SITx' 'ZIP ' "gzip file" .tgz Raw 'SITx' 'ZIP ' "tar.gz gzip file" .tar Raw 'SITx' 'TARF' "tar file" .tif Raw '8BIM' 'TIFF' "Photoshop TIFF image" .doc Raw 'MSWD' 'WDBN' "Word file" .mov Raw 'TVOD' 'MooV' "QuickTime Movie" .bin Raw 'SITx' 'BINA' "Mac Binary" .h Ascii 'CWIE' 'TEXT' "C/C++ header file" .c Ascii 'CWIE' 'TEXT' "C source file" .cp Ascii 'CWIE' 'TEXT' "C++ source file" .cpp Ascii 'CWIE' 'TEXT' "C++ source file" .exp Ascii 'CWIE' 'TEXT' "Symbol export file" .mcp Raw 'CWIE' 'MMPr' "CodeWarrior project file" .r Ascii 'MPS ' 'TEXT' "Rez file" .html Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "HTML file" .htm Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "HTML file" .txt Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "text file" README Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "text file" CHANGES Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "text file" INSTALL Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "text file" LICENSE Ascii 'MOSS' 'TEXT' "text file" .gif Raw 'ogle' 'GIFf' "GIF file" .png Raw 'ogle' 'PNG ' "PNG file" .jpg Raw 'ogle' 'JPEG' "JPEG file" .jpeg Raw 'ogle' 'JPEG' "JPEG file" .pl Ascii 'McPL' 'TEXT' "Perl file" .pm Ascii 'McPL' 'TEXT' "Perl module file" .xml Ascii 'R*ch' 'TEXT' "XML file" .xul Ascii 'R*ch' 'TEXT' "XUL file" .xbl Ascii 'R*ch' 'TEXT' "XBL file" .css Ascii 'R*ch' 'TEXT' "CSS file" .dtd Ascii 'R*ch' 'TEXT' "DTD file" .js Ascii 'R*ch' 'TEXT' "JavaScript file" .mp3 Raw 'TVOD' 'MPG3' "MPEG file" .mpg Raw 'TVOD' 'MPEG' "MPEG file" .mpeg Raw 'TVOD' 'MPEG' "MPEG file" .au Raw 'TVOD' 'ULAW' "Audio file" * Ascii 'ttxt' 'TEXT' "Text file"
For more information about recording CDs, see the CD-Recordable FAQ.